We are ideal hosts for fleas and even our pets are also often affected. Adult fleas need blood and will feed on us and our pets. In warmer weather they can multiply at an astonishing rate and therefore it is important to put in place an effective flea control program to break the cycle.

We thoroughly inspect the areas for flea treatment and make sure everything is safe before we start.

We use a variety of formulations around your property. We use a special dust in your roof void and also your sub floor. We also treat various areas inside your home including hard floor surfaces, carpets, rugs, sofas and under furniture. We also treat outside areas as well including patios.

We use the safest pesticides available and recommend an insect growth regulator which interrupts the life cycle of the flea. These IGR’s enhance the treatment and are amongst the safest products available.



We will carry a pest inspection at your home or place of business to identify the right treatment.


Our treatments are designed to eliminate the pests that have been identified.


Your home or place of business will be protected from pest for up to 6 months.


It's important to maintain your pest management by booking our services us every 6 months or as needed.

Please ensure your pet is being treated for fleas. You can get formulations from the Supermarket or Vet which are safe and effective. Your bedding needs to be washed in hot water. You will need to do the same with your pet’s bedding as well. Thorough vacuuming of all hard floor surfaces and carpets and rugs is also important. Ensure the contents of your vacuum cleaner are double bagged before disposal.

With your help and co-operation we can ensure a flea free zone for you and your pets.

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